Sunday, September 27, 2009

a blog for all my friends~

One day a teacher asked her students to list the names of the other students in the room on two sheets of paper, leaving a space between each name.

Then she told them to think of the nicest thing they could say about each of their classmates and write it down.

It took the remainder of the class period to finish their assignment, and as the students left the room, each one handed in the papers.

That Saturday, the teacher wrote down the name of each student on a separate sheet of paper, and listed what everyone else had said about that individual.

On Monday she gave each student his or her list. Before long, the entire class was smiling. 'Really?' she heard whispered. 'I never knew that I meant anything to anyone!' and, 'I didn't know others liked me so much,' were most of the comments.

No one ever mentioned those papers in class again. She never knew if they discussed them after class or with their parents, but it didn't matter. The exercise had accomplished its purpose. The students were happy with themselves and one another. That group of students moved on.

Several years later, one of the students was killed in Viet Nam and his teacher attended the funeral of that special student. She had never seen a serviceman in a military coffin before. He looked so handsome, so mature.

The church was packed with his friends. One by one those who loved him took a last walk by the coffin. The teacher was the last one to bless the coffin.

As she stood there, one of the soldiers who acted as pallbearer came up to her. 'Were you Mark's math teacher?' he asked. She nodded: 'yes.' Then he said: 'Mark talked about you a lot.'

After the funeral, most of Mark's former classmates went together to a luncheon. Mark's mother and father were there, obviously waiting to speak with his teacher.

'We want to show you something,' his father said, taking a wallet out of his pocket 'They found this on Mark when he was killed. We thought you might recognize it.'

Opening the billfold, he carefully removed two worn pieces of notebook paper that had obviously been taped, folded and refolded many times. The teacher knew without looking that the papers were the ones on which she had listed all the good things each of Mark's classmates had said about him.

'Thank you so much for doing that,' Mark's mother said. 'As you can see, Mark treasured it.'

All of Mark's former classmates started to gather around. Charlie smiled rather sheepishly and said, 'I still have my list. It's in the top drawer of my desk at home.'

Chuck's wife said, 'Chuck asked me to put his in our wedding album.'

'I have mine too,' Marilyn said. 'It's in my diary'

Then Vicki, another classmate, reached into her pocketbook, took out her wallet and showed her worn and frazzled list to the group. 'I carry this with me at all times,' Vicki said and without batting an eyelash, she continued: 'I think we all saved our lists'

That's when the teacher finally sat down and cried. She cried for Mark and for all his friends who would never see him again.

The density of people in society is so thick that we forget that life will end one day. And we don't know when that one day will be.

So please, tell the people you love and care for, that they are special and important. Tell them, before it is too late.

And One Way To Accomplish This Is: RE-post this comprehension in ur own blog. If you do not do it, you will have, once again passed up the wonderful opportunity to do something nice and beautiful.

i have taken my time to post this here.. for all my friends.. although i juz copy n paste here bt at least i let my friends- u all know i care u all..

dun need to say thx to me.. if u treat me as a fren.. juz post this in ur blog.. share ur love with others.. this is wad we shuld do..~~ let start it now~~ spread ur love..


Thursday, September 24, 2009

share this with u all.. $25.00

A man came home from work late, tired and irritated,to find his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door.

SON: 'Daddy, may I ask you a question?'
DAD: 'Yeah sure, what it is?' replied the man.
SON: 'Daddy, how much do you make an hour?'
DAD: 'That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?'the man said angrily.
SON: 'I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?'
DAD: 'If you must know, I make $50 an hour.'
SON: 'Oh,' the little boy replied, with his head down.
SON: 'Daddy, may I please borrow $25?'

The father was furious,'If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you are being so selfish. I don't work hard everyday for such childish frivolities.'

The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.
The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy's questions.
How dare he ask such questions only to get some money?
After about an hour or so, the man had calmed down , and started to think: Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $25.00 and he really didn't ask for money very often

The man went to the door of the little boy's room and opened the door.'Are you asleep, son?' He asked.
'No daddy, I'm awake,' replied the boy.'
I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier' said the man.'It's been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you. Here's the $25 you asked for.
'The little boy sat straight up, smiling. 'Oh, thank you daddy!' he yelled.Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills.

The man saw that the boy already had money, started to get angry again.
The little boy slowly counted out his money, and then looked up at his father.

'Why do you want more money if you already have some?' the father grumbled.
'Because I didn't have enough, but now I do,' the little boy replied.
'Daddy, I have $50 now. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you.'

The father was crushed.He put his arms around his little son, and he begged for his forgiveness.

It's just a short reminder to all of you working so hard in life. We should not let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our hearts. Do remember to share that $50 worth of your time with someone you love. If we die tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of hours. But the family & friends we leave behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives.

this is kind a touching for me.. i took it from my friend's blog.. feel this post is very meaningful.
love this post.

ntg to say. bb..
at least i blogged.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

r we still fren??

because of that thing..
lost a fren..
mayb i cant save the frienship between us.
wad i can say is onli sorry..

because of that thing.
make my frens feel bad.
make my fren feel gulity..
although i told her is nt her fault.

because of that thing.
make myself emo for few weeks.
many problem cant settle now.
it makes me freaking stress..
no one can understand my feeling..
except for if u really face this problem..

this is my life..
wad can i do to change myself..
asking myself m i stupid.
asking myself m i really useless...

YES.. obviously. cant even handle juz a smal problem..
stupid fuCK..

even shit smell better..

-emo king-

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

is nt under my control.

i hope u can understand me..
when i know i make u stress n sad..
i feel so disappointed..
i keep thinking of..

y m iso stupid..
keep forcing u to tell me this tell me that..

y u r still confused about that.

r u really love me?

or.. all of these are juz a dream..
i cant stop thinking of that..
i really love u.. i had gv up on that n choose to be with u
cuz i really love u..

is nt ur fault in this case..
do u understand. i m the one who made the final decision in this case..
y u keep thinking that u r the one who break us up..
u r nt..
the whole thing is about me..
is about all the things that i had done to u n her..

is nt that i want to avoid..
i wont avoid to chat with u if i really love u..
i juz wanna leave u for few days.. to let u stop thinking of that.
i dun want to see u stress...
i dun want any bad things happen on us..
i dun want u to leave me..
i dun want..
i dun want to cry bt i cant control myself..

i plan to study for my exam bt cant...
cuz i keep thinking of that..
i cant memorise anything at all..
i feel so stress too..

i know..
is nt that u dun like me.
i know.. i understand.
i juz cant accept it when u care about ur ex's feeling..
mayb u juz treat him as a fren..
juz that i really think too much about it..
n all the things i was thinking are bad things..

i really dun want to make u sad..
dun want to make u stress..

wad i wanna say is..
is nt ur fault..
n i really love u..
nt i want to avoid u..
i juz want to gv u more time to think of that properly.

sorry.. this is wad i really dun want it to happen..



-emo king- is back...
